Software Technology Development & Leadership


My GitHub repositories are private. This page is a public overview, in order to give some idea of my interests and experience.


  • notebook - A private repository of documents and notes on general topics in technology: concepts, patterns, providers, resources, standards, and tools.


And the frameworks that serve each language ecosystem (e.g. Hibernate, Spring).

  • cpp - A private repository for C++ study.
  • dotnet - A private repository for .NET study, particularly .NET Core on Linux and macOS. Includes C# and F#.
  • go - A private repository for Go study.
  • java - A private repository of all things JVM, from Akka to ZooKeeper. Polyglot (includes Kotlin, Groovy, Scala, and Clojure).
  • javascript - This private repository includes projects and exercises that leverage languages and frameworks like TypeScript and React.
  • lang-epi - A private study for polyglot language study based on examples from the “Elements of Programming” series of books.
  • python - A private repository for Python study.
  • ruby - A private repository for Ruby study.
  • rust - A private repository for Rust study.
  • spring - A private repository of all things Spring, the de facto standard language extensions for Java, Kotlin, etc.


  • blockchain - A private repository for studying blockchain technologies.
  • data - A private repository for studying data stores.
  • data-flow - A private repository for the study of data flow frameworks (Camel, Kafka, Spring Cloud Data Flow, etc.).
  • data-graph - A private repository for the study of graph databases (Neo4j, TinkerPop, etc.).
  • data-ml - A private repository for the study of machine learning (DJL, Keras, PyTorch, TensorFlow, etc.).
  • data-nlp - A private repository for the study of natural language processing (NLTK, etc.).
  • data-sci - A private repository for the study of data science (NumPy, Pandas, Spark, etc.).
  • data-scrape - A private repository for the study of data scraping (BeautifulSoup, etc.).
  • json - A private repository for the study of JSON frameworks (GraphQL, etc.).


  • devops - A private repository of general DevOps projects and topics.
  • docker - A private repository containing configurations for test and study.
  • gradle - A private repository used to bootstrap complex, feature-rich, polyglot projects for the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Lays a foundation that includes a whole lotta Spring (including Spring Boot).
  • kubernetes - A private repository containing configurations for test and study.
  • maven - A private repository used to bootstrap complex, feature-rich, polyglot projects for the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Lays a foundation that includes a whole lotta Spring (including Spring Boot).
  • shell - Commonly used command line tools, documentation, scripts. Mostly bash.
  • test - A private repository for unit testing patterns: Cucumber, Jest, Testing Library, JUnit, etc.
  • vagrant - This private repository contains a small collection of Vagrant box configurations for personal development environments. Portable across platforms (macOS, Windows, Linux). Boxes are versioned and stored in AWS S3.

User Interface

  • gh-pages-react - A React proof-of-concept hosted on GitHub Pages.
  • gh-pages-svelte - A Svelte proof-of-concept hosted on GitHub Pages.
  • gh-pages-vue - A Vue proof-of-concept hosted on GitHub Pages.
  • js-mui - My own re-usable React + Material-UI components.
  • js-mui-auth - My own re-usable React + Material-UI components, particularly for authentication flows (Basic, OAuth2, OpenID, etc).
  • js-react - My own re-usable pure React components.
  • markup - A private repository for CSS tricks, etc.


  • draw - My drawings, paintings, etc.
  • philosophy - Study notes.